October 23, 2005

From the hills of Maine...

I'll readily admit it: I am amazingly proud of Wabash College, my alma matter.

And today I'm going to take the opportunity in this forum to throw out a few interesting tidbits and links to good ol' Wabash...

This morning I thought I'd check in to see how the football team is doing, and it turns out that they're 7-0, ranked 27th in the nation and first place in the conference with the second-best scoring defense in division III football. The team even got a chance to visit the Colts practice facility and speak to one Pete Metzelaars - Wabash alumnus, four-time Super Bowl participant, and former all-around division III sports stud.

I also saw a link to a story detailing various alumni associations' plans for this coming weekend's Wabash Day in which students, alumni, family, and friends of Wabash will be spending this coming weekend doing charity work all around the nation. Here in the Cincinnati area, we'll be helping out the Holly Hill Children's Service center by doing some brush clearing for them. It'll certainly be unskilled labor, but it's always good to give back to the community in any way possible. If anybody'd like to help out, I'd be thrilled to sign off on community service hours. Give an email if you're interested.

Apparently, I'm not the only one curious about Wabash. Looks like Details magazine has done a story on Wabash, just seeing what it's like to go to an all-male school. I can't find a direct link anywhere to the story since Details's website stinks.

Wabash isn't content with what it's got, either. They've recently done a study and went through a massive fund-raising Campaign for Leadership in which they raised of $136 million to help improve the campus itself. They also have an institute on campus that is designed to study how to improve the liberal arts education that they value so dearly.

And I'd like to give a quick shout out to a couple of current Wabash students that I have close ties to. One is Jay Horrey, a former student of my father's and a guy I've played tennis with a couple of times. The other is Nate Rutz, a swimmer and freshman at Wabash, and a former student of mine who I helped recruit toward Wabash. And you can even see me in the background of one of the pictures during the 2005 Cincinnati dinner - where I was recruiting Nate (he's got the blue and white floral print shirt on). Oh, and Nate comes from a great family, too.

And, you don't have to take my words for the glory that is Wabash. Check out some other sources:

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