October 11, 2005

The hand of God...

Ah, castle...

I spent a fair part of my class time last year playing Castle or at least letting Castle play while I taught. The game's a pretty simple one: you're the hand of god trying to defend your castle by picking up and flinging everybody who runs at it. You get points for killing the stick people and for surviving the round. You use the points to improve your castle, buy archers, train wizards, convert barbarians, get workmen, and eventually, you don't have to do anything. The game can play itself as your castle becomes invincible.

I've included a picture of my best castle - just before the game got lost on my computer and I had to decide to start over or scrap it. I chose to scrap it. Notice that I had killed over 2.4 million stick people, had amassed 506 million points, and had 4440+ archers, 888 tradesmen and 888 wizards. There was really no point in playing by then.

Have fun, folks...

Again, this comes at the request of a student of mine...See, I'm a nice guy...

Oh, and if you want the FAQ and strategy guide, head over here...

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