October 18, 2005

Liberality for all...

The conservative right now has its ultimate medium through which it can convey its message to America's youth: Liberality for All.

In this new comic book, G Gordon Liddy, Sean Hannity, and Oliver North - true heroes, all - band together in a near apocalyptic future - to save the United States from "Usama Bin Laden's plans to nuke New York City...And wake the world from an Orwellian nightmare of United Nations dominated ultra-liberalism." Seriously, that's what it says they're doing. I promise that I didn't make up that phrasing.

And they've chosen as one of their "heroes" a man who would be 90 when the comic takes place and who is best known for being the leader of the most famous break-in in American history, an avoider of income taxes, and who has been successfully sued for libel. Another of their "heroes" was convicted of obstructing a congressional inquiry, sold weapons illegally to Iran, and believed that the Iran-Contra sales of weapons was a "neat idea". Oddly, Sean Hannity - a decidedly biased political commentator - is the finest of the lot, as he has yet to be convicted of a serious government-related felony.

The comic entertains me, but it's a little scary as well because it labels itself as some version of the truth - an apocalyptic future if "ultra liberal[s]" are allowed to continue thier destructive course.

Because we all know that pulling out of Iraq...or staying in the UN...or caring for people and voting for a reasonable living minimum wage...will lead to Osama bin Laden's naming as an ambassador to the UN.

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