November 8, 2005

Men in tights...

Kevin Smith is currently filming Clerks 2: Passion of the Clerks, and he's taken to filming the stupid stuff that happens around a movie shoot during dead time and releasing it as his video journal for those of us geeky enough to follow along. I can't, of course, link to that since it's not school appropriate, so I give you, instead, this:

Bryan Singer is currently filming the new Superman Returns film in Australia, and he's also posting a video journal on Blue Tights Adventure Network!. In these entries, we see some of the similar freakishness that apparently goes on while and around filming a massive budget motion picture. I especially recommend Stoparazzi in which Singer sends out two crew grunts to block a local photogorapher from snapping any shots. We are, in the process, treated to a lovely little dance of the unbrellas.

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