November 21, 2005

More blogs of fun...

Two more quick hit blogs that I've found in the past couple of days and that have been entertaining me since.

First up is VignetteBricks, a blog where people try to use a limited Lego design to explain the meaning of a word (or of an event in some cases). For example, to show kung fu scenes or to show the meaning of camouflage. It's a neat idea - limiting the builders to a specific 8x8 footprint but using the vertical dimension to illustrate an idea. There are a bunch of other pages about vignettes.

The second blog of the moment is Cooking for Engineers, a site designed to show very clear, step by step instructions for making what look to be some pretty good recipes. I came across it when searching for a good pumpkin pie recipe. The site does a great job of showing what each stage should look like - via digital camera.

If you know of any other fun blogs that I should be check into daily, send 'em my way.

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