November 6, 2005

Movie Poop Shoot...

If you have any interest in comic books, you have to be reading Comics 101 by Scott Tipton. It's on the MoviePoopShoot website which has a lot of school non-appropriate content and is blocked from the school computers, but Comics 101 is phenomenal and incredible.

It's a series of explorations by Tipton on various subjects that pop up to him - often via his email box. He's spent a half dozen weeks recapping the history of the Justice League, taken a week to evaluate the Fantastic Four movie, discussed the Star Wars comic series, introduced us to V for Vendetta and Watchmen, retold the origins of Thor and Hulk and The Atom and many, many more.

There is no better primer on comic books than Comics 101.

Start reading, folks. I've been through every column in his archives.

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