August 29, 2006

Cult of the Minutia of Life

I'll readily admit three things before dropping my link today:
  1. She's cute. Heck, she's gorgeous.
  2. The interweb was made for taking minutia and creating a practical cult out of it.
  3. The site you're currently reading is no less concerned with minutia than is today's linked site.
With all that out of the way, I have great faith in my ability to point out that Church of the Smoking Hot French Nescaster is an excellent use of the interweb's randomly flying electrons.

The cooler thing than just this cool Church is the entire site Cultspace which allows anyone (even you) to start founding their own religion (I don't like the term cult because it's pejorative) and then trying to build it until you get full tax breaks (which is the goal of every religion, right?).

Plus, they include the following disclaimer at the bottom of each page: Real cults are not cool. This site is just for fun. Please play nice..

It's cute.

And true.

And if you'd like to hear more about religions, feel free to wander over YouTube's way for some edumacation


  1. wow...two references to the Nicene don't hear that everyday.

  2. ahhh... you should found a religion.... run it out of your basement... maybe call it the "Jesus Celler" oh wait... we know someone who already did that

  3. This post was written well before my school board pres said - before all the employees of the district - the word edumacation.




