August 25, 2006

Homer's quote...revised...

It was the subheadline in this CNN article that caught my eye:
Ex-CIA official says cleric sets cap of 10 million U.S. deaths
In more detail:
Michael Scheuer, who once headed the CIA's bin Laden unit, says bin Laden has been given permission by a young cleric in Saudi Arabia authorizing al Qaeda to "use nuclear weapons against the United States ... capping the casualties at 10 million."

"He's had an approval, a religious approval for 10 million deaths?" I asked him.

"Yes," Scheuer responded.
As I see more and more things like that and like what's happening in the Middle East, I begin to wonder if Homer's quote shouldn't have alcohol replaced with blind and fanatical faith.

PS - Sorry to get all serious and issue-y on you. I promise more frivolity tomorrow.

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