September 20, 2006

Fear, trepidation, and hope...ya dope...

It appears that another director is ready to step into the quagmire that is the movie version of Watchmen, and I don't know whether to be hopeful or not.

It's rare that any great work of art (fiction, nonfiction, music, whatever) is ever translated into another great work in a different medium, and Watchmen is a truly great, genre-shattering work of art. If you have any interest in graphic novel ([cough]comic books[/cough]) at all, then you should read Watchmen. To even begin to explain its greatness would do nothing more than show how inferior my prose is, so I'll just recommend that you swing by the Sharonville branch and pick it up - because it's seemingly always on the shelves. If you need some help, give me a holla, and I'll help you through the thing, but I doubt that you'll need any help.

Off the top of my head, great works that have been translated into great works in other media:
  • Fight Club - book & movie
  • MASH - movie & television show
Ok, I can't think of any others where I've read the original and seen the movie or television show and thought both were outstanding. Can anybody help me?

Here are some lists to get things started:

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