September 16, 2006

Some advice (a preview)

It would be an act of the most ridiculous hubris to believe that anyone came to this blog looking for advice on anything more than which entertaining video to watch today (heck, for that, TransBuddha would be the better choice), and yet I feel like taking a stupid step.

Over the next half dozen Saturdays, I will be doling out advice in drips and drabs, one word a week.

It's a format that I have been attempting to put to words for a number of months now: single word advice explained in a larger context, somehow attempting to sum up my best life lessons (admittedly meager though they may be) in one word.

The list so far:
  • Do
  • Enjoy
  • Give
  • Improve
  • Help
  • Love
  • Be
  • Learn
So, next weekend, tune in here - or feel free to tune right out if you would rather wait for the Sunday's typical offering of frivolisoty - for whatever words of wisdom await.

If you'd rather get some classic sitcom goodness, learn about the greatest Thanksgiving Day radio promotion ever.

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