October 31, 2006

Dig the randomness

What a cool idea. It's called a camera toss. You set your camera for a one-second exposure and chuck it to a sure-handed friend. Neat imagry abounds.

Also random is the random picture search using Google and some sort of random generator to grab pictures at, well, random from the interweb.

Or there's the random Homer Simpson quote generator.

And while we're speaking of random beauty, another random ten from the iTunes...
  • "Rudie Can't Fail" by the Clash - great album The Clash...this isn't the best song on there, but it's quality birth of pop punk
  • "Habit" by Pearl Jam - No Code is my favorite PJ album, and this one's okay...lil' more anger than I typically like from the boys, but it's a part of their personality that I'm okay with - just not the side I prefer
  • "Over the Rainbow" by Harry Nilsson - so underappreciated by the modern music listener, Harry Nilsson was a master...an absolute master...his double CD Personal Best should be required listening by anybody who claims to like music in nearly any form...perfect pop with touches of nearly every genre - singer-songwriter, old standards, rock, angry young man, Beatles, Elton, Billy Joel...wonderful
  • "A Change of Sex" by David Motion & Sally Potter - from the Orlando soundtrack - great movie, neat music - especially the song "Coming"...this one's an stmospheric track that works mostly because of the movie
  • "Slow and Low" by the Beastie Boys - one of my absolute favorite bands...from the classic Licensed to Ill debut cd...very indicative of where they'd be heading from this one
  • "Casey Jones" by Carl Sandberg - a shock from the Beastie Boys, but I love the old recordings that Carl Sandberg did and that have been collected on Songs for America, mostly because Mom played them for me growing up...she played many of them on the guitar as my lullabies
  • "Only Son" by Liz Phair - love her first three albums...hate the last two more popish albums...her choice to change styles, and I recognize her choice, but it's just not one I'm willing to take with her
  • "Towards the Within" by Dead Can Dance - I know almost nothing about this group or their music other than the one album that Karlen had from college...but I like that album - very atmospheric and moody...world music and new age-ish stuff with gorgeous, strange stuff thrown into the mix...great for a Halloween chill out...
  • "7/29/04 The Day Of" by David Holmes - from the Ocean's Twelve soundtrack - much better as music than as movie...I keep quoting that the movie was no fun but at least the actors seemed to be having fun...I'll probably end up seeing the third movie because I dig the actors involved, but it'll hopefully be more the Eleven than Twelve
  • "Something in the Way" by Nirvana - I didn't and still don't get Nirvana...too angry, too annoying, too offensive for me...but their MTv Unplugged is a classic..."In the Pines" is a perfect cover...and so many of their songs worked in this stripped down setting...

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