November 17, 2006

Link blogging works for me...

It's been a while since I've pointed out the blogs in my heavy rotation, and I'm not finished with today's other blog post on the recent spate of atheist articles, so...

Here are the blogs that I check daily - in the order I typically check them:
  • Gus's Journal - a former student's infrequently updated livejournal
  • UniWatch - a daily blog on the "obsessive study of athletics aesthetics"
  • Official Order of the Stick Community - informing me of the newest postings on OOtS, my favorite webcomic
  • No Sheep - a personal blog playing around the subjects of comics, movies, and technology
  • We Are Game - regular postings of cool webgames...recent posting slow since a baby was dropped on the blogger
  • Transbuddha - the holy mother of all video and game blogs...outstanding and my favorite daily visit anywhere
  • Candy Addict - populist candy blog with awesome occasional give-aways
  • Dan Century - personal blog that frequently hits entertaining websites and videos
  • Candy Blog - a slightly more upscale candy blog
  • Technically Overboard - my second favorite blogger each day...more techie, video game, computerish than the others
  • Collected Editions - currently on hiatus until December rolls around, this is the best blog for reviews of trade paperback editions of comics...quality stuff
  • You Know It - another former student's (not mine, admittedly) personal blog...wonderful, self-created artwork
  • I am Kyle's Self Indulgence - my Missourian doppelganger's personal blog...leans a bit to the left, to the comics, and to the Beck...a great read every day or two...
  • Randomg Musings of a Twisted Mind - another personal blog with less frequent updating...probably only worth it if you know the blogger, as I do
  • My Thoughts - personal blog of an old friend...newish blog...lots of link blogging, music and sports postings
  • Voice of the Common Man - philosophical blog centering around Theory of Knowledge in the IB times times frustrating...I lurk more than I post, but I do occasionally jump into the world
There are also a couple of not school-appropriate blogs that I frequent, but I'll not be pointing them out for you folks.

The finest links of the past week from these blogs - to tempt you into heading over there:

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