December 2, 2006

A fine, cinematic death (or thousand)

Ah, a wonderful repository for more information that hadn't ever really been collected a'fore the wonderwous interweb: Cinemorgue in which the author allows you the chance to find every movie death (on- or off-screen) for just about any actor.

Good stuff, as always...

And it does include my very favorite on-screen deaths (the first on this page).


  1. I was going to write a post on this at some point...the greatest death scene is still Spock at the end of Wrath of Khan. Honest to god, rivals two or three scenes from Field of Dreams on the emotion meter.

  2. Nothing tops the very last line of Field of Dreams.

    They could've killed Spock, Kirk, Sulu, and every ensign on the ship, and I still wouldn't've balled like I did when Ray asked his dad if he wanted to have a catch.
