December 29, 2006

Wal-Mart's genius

Insertion of up-front honesty: I hate Wal-Mart and don't have an HD television or even cable.

I love the recent ad campaign that is based around two main ideas. The first point isn't too thrilling and is probably true: that HDTVs are cheaper at Wal-Mart. I can't argue - or even support - that fact. They probably are, but that's no biggie to me.

The second, fact, however, thoroughly entertains me. Wal-Mart is putting forth the idea that they've taken the helpful steps of sorting through all the HDTV options and presenting us with just the ones they think we'll want.

It's a wonderful twist and a great advertising strategy. Take what might be otherwise considered a weakness of your store (in this case, the fact that they have a limited selection) and turn it into a strength (we've eliminated the painful steps of making you actually think about things before you buy). It's absolutely genius.

Sadly, however, I cannot find a copy of the radio commercial online anywhere so I could share the genius with you. Sorry, folks...

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