January 1, 2007

Another visit from the top ten

'Cause I figure for the new year we might as well take a second to revisit every blog reader's old favorite, eh?
"Storm Coming" by Gnarls Barkley (3 or 5 stars)
Great album...good tune...
"It's All Over Now Baby Blue" by Van Morrison (4 of 5)
Nice Dylan cover...on Morrison's second Best of...
"All I Want is You" by U2 (5 of 5)
Outstanding closer to the Rattle & Hum album...one of my favorite U2's
"Could It Be I'm Falling in Love" by the Spinners (3 of 5)
Nice oldie...early 70's, I think...
"Hard on Me" by Richard Thompson (2 of 5)
Not Thompson's finest...excellent artist, though...one of my favorite guitarists and writers
"A Little Time" by The Beautiful South (3 of 5)
The Beautiful South is woefully underknown here in the US, but they're one hell of a band...
"Party Girl" by U2 (3 of 5)
Another U2...this version comes from a bootleg that I've got - Jesus was a Cool Guy...interesting stuff all around on this one
"Purple Rain" by Prince (4 of 5)
It doesn't get much higher than this Prince album or than Prince himself...knockouts both
"Now Be Thankful" by Richard & Linda Thompson (3 of 5)
Linda's voice was/is gorgeous and Richard's guitar work on this one is fiery on this live version from the 3-cd box set
"Emotional Weather Report" by Tom Waits (4 of 5)
Wait's live Nighthawks at the Diner is a load of fun

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