January 27, 2007

A Duke after my own heart

In bumbling and stumbling around the internet, I've happened upon a couple of music blogs recently. Both post mp3 files for a limited time - so you can evaluate them, of course, not so you can steal them, no - and both are moderately entertaining, but one of them is so much cooler than the other.

The less cool is Some Velvet Blog - posting semi-thematic mp3 collections every few days. All in all, worth bumping through once a week or so.

But then there's The Late Greats (check the blog's address backwards) - into which I stumbled via this Wilco-related post and into which I've fallen into true music-geek love.

The Late Greats gives mp3 collections in absolutely fascinating ways. To whit,It's madness, I tell you, madness.

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