February 4, 2007

Dad's Gonna Kill Me

Oh, wow...

As the resident Richard Thompson geek at this blog, I am terrifically excited about the fact that Richard Thompson released this track with no fanfare on his website. No clue whether this is going to show up on his next album or whether it'll be another of his toss off topical songs that never sees the light of day, but I've got a copy of it now at least.

Admittedly, I preferred his solo version of it that he played at the Southgate House last year when I saw him there, but it's still intersting to see that he's releasing mp3s on his website now. Here's to hoping that this is just the start of a pattern for him, 'cause I so want a copy of "Hots for the Smarts".

By the way, if you listen to the mp3, you may want to know in advance that 'Dad is short for Baghdad.

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