March 30, 2007

Vocal Impressions

Now there's a fun game...

Take some of the most recognizable voices in the land and ask folks to describe those voices in creative ways.

We're not talking about listening to Morgan Freeman and saying that his voice is nice, deep, rich or even anything as pedestrain as sonorous. Instead, we're talking about saying that Freeman's voice is a silk trombone...what rich river-bottom soil feels like...God to the rhythms of the Kodo Drummers...

Marylin Monroe is described as a voice that would slow down a hummingbird in midair..a voice to make a 7-year-old boy think differently about girls...the slow unfolding of a pink cashmire sweater...

Jack Nicholson as what's left of a grin when you take the smile away...awakening in the middle of the night to the smell of a fine cigar being smoked by a burglar robbing your house...the tarnished silver ring you just can't shine...

And the game's not over just yet...

The first round (Freeman, Monroe, Truman Capote, Patsy Cline) as is the second round (Nicholson, Norah Jones, Cliff Edawrds).

But the third round (Bob Dylan, Sean Connery, Mae West, Odetta) is still fair game. Send 'em your thoughts after listening to the samples.

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