April 2, 2007

The magic of lenticularization

I've been trying to find out the name of those cards that change pictures if you tilt the card back and forth, but it took me forever to actually figure it out.

Luckily, The Girl recently reported that she happened to hear on NPR a description of lenticular technology. Turns out that it's based on a lense to show different pictures from different angles.

Sadly, lenticular images don't translate well into web graphics, but at least there are a few sites out there that try to show the effect digitally.

There's lenticular creations, how to make a lenticular image, and world3d.com. For some reason, I'm really tempted to go about looking into getting some sort of lenticular thing printed. No clue what that lenticular thing would be, but for some reason I just want something printed lenticularly.

I'm looking for a little lenticularization all up in these parts.

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