May 10, 2007

Dance, lil' bugger, dance!

It just doesn't get much cooler than a tiny lil' robot that can dance better than most anybody I know. Now if they could just make it a little more cheaply so I could get one.

The coolest thing about this project from Marek Michalowski is that it's not a standard, single dance move being repeated over and over again. Instead, the lil' Keepon varies the dance moves throughout the video.

Oh, sure, Michalowski seems to be using the Keepon in some sort of semi-scientific study of "dance-oriented nonverbal play", but I couldn't care less about that. Instead, I just dig watching the yellow blob dance.

Have fun folks, and thanks to Annie for pointing this one out.


  1. I miss Annie's blog...I can't wait till the computer is fixed so I can catch back up on Hamster-Mouse and the rest of the good stuff...

    or, maybe I'll just wait for the wireless for my new laptop...

  2. Dig laptop and all...

    Annie's blog does continue to entertain, and I look forward to seeing how it shifts as she moves into the world of work.

  3. And thanks for providing the link to her blog so I was able to bookmark it easily this morning...

    ah, the joys of a new computer that doesn't know you yet...
