June 22, 2007

In honor of...#5...

And this, then, is how far we've sunk with some of the new scientists in the media, the British show Brainiac.

The premise is simple: they take some scientific conept, find how it explains something in real life, and they blow up a caravan.

At least they nearly always blow up a caravan.

They're much more about the explosions and much less about the science - not that they ignore the science entirely, just that they lean more toward explosive stuff.

They do have an online collection of videos, but here are some housed on other sites.

Alkali metals in water...

How to beat the crane game...

Racing fireworks...

Touching an electric fence...

Thermite explosion...

Paint can in a microwave...

A big egg in a microwave...

The dangers of nylon...

How to make Doner Kebabs (?)...

Playing blackjack against a monkey...

Making ice cream...

Helium's effects on wind instruments...

Back yard cannons...

Colour words...

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