July 9, 2007

Today's proposition...

Today's proposition is probably an awful one...

Stevie Wonder is a weenie.

Arguments for the afirmative:Arguments for the negative:Arguments that I'm not sure are positive or negative:The Girl argues that "He's blind" should give him a pass, but I'm not so sure.

Your thoughts?


  1. Non-weenie genius.

    Do you realize that he did "Uptight (Everything's Alright)," "I Was Made To Love Her, "My Cherie Amour," "Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours," "Superstition," "Higher Ground," and "Living For The City" all by the age of 23? His biography reads singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist/producer. This type of versatility literally can only be matched by Brian Wilson and Prince all-time. They talk about the five tools in baseball...but to be able to compose the music, write the lyrics, sing the vocals, play all of the instruments, and do the production is absolutely mind-boggling.

    He had his first hit in 1963 and probably tailed off in terms of chart success by 1987. I think it's fair to say that his first dozen years were definitely stronger and more influential, but who among rock legends hasn't done their best work in the first half of their careers? I think the good definitely outweighs the sappy.

    I've been wanting to blog on the versatility subject for awhile...looks like I'll have a good chance to do it now.

  2. Whoa.... who can forget his lackluster acting chops on The Cosby Show?

    Sorry Sully, I gotta call weenie on this.

  3. I vote not a weenie. I think Superstition trumps all assertions of weeniedom, past and present.

  4. Wow. Musical genius that you don't entirely love...OK. But weenie??? That's just over the top.
    Love what he means to blacks, the blind, music, lyrics, passion, that smile, the endless impressions by others that for some reason always seem endearing.
    Not even a vienna sausage much less a weenie.
    Stevie forever!

  5. I look forward to that entry, Sully...

    Lakes, I'm thinking that a whole heck of a lot of hit hits are total, absolute weenie songs...I stand by the list I've presented...
