August 16, 2007

The continuing coolness of recycling

C'mon, who doesn't love Reading Rainbow?

I know I do.

Today, for example, LeVar told me that there's an artist - Jeff Davis - in New York who takes old vinyl LPs & 45s and turns them into vinyl bowls - like the one in the picture, smooth vinyl bowls, wall clocks (personally, I prefer the ones made from full LPs), snack trays, and coasters. He even turns the LP covers into sketchbooks.

Very cool...

Especially since you can even do custom bowls from your favorite album.


  1. Okay, those would be cool even if they were just made on purpose from raw materials to look like that...but the fact that they're made from recycled stuff makes them amazingly cool...

    ...and now I want one made from my Police Synchronicity, that'd be cool...

  2. They do custom could get a Synchronicity easily enough...

  3. Wow...two months ago I saw that episode. I thought it was really cool...and kind of sad, because I like reusing records by listening to them again and again. Still, it was really cool how he heats them, forms them, and then puts a sheet on to plug the hole. After all, what use is a bowl with a hole in the bottom, recycled or not?

  4. LOVE THIS! I'm totally buyin a few!

  5. If I can throw a little business that way, I'd be happy.

    And it's good to know that you're a Reading Rainbow kinda guy, too, Echt.
