August 19, 2007

Four more...

I'm still all over because it lets me pick very specific playlists and access them from any computer in the world. and are both good for picking music in a general mood, but neither one can quarantee me that the music's clean or that I can get the very specific songs that I want.

So today I drop down a few more playlists for ya - three of my creation and one from a regular reader.

Let's start with GRob's Gratuitious 80s Playlist..

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

Then we'll go to A whole bunch of Wilco...can't guarantee that they're all perfectly clean...

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

Next up is a survey of The Mountain Goats...again, some not school-appropriate music mixed in there...

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search

And the last one's new...a bunch of my favorite folk and country songs...August 19, 2007...

SeeqPod Music beta - Playable Search


  1. You've already got me addicted to this site...what more do you want? Honestly, I just find this really useful for when I want to hear a particular song.

    And by the way, the Wilco selection is pretty damn good. Sorry, can't guarantee this post is perfectly clean.

  2. I made the IDTMI blog with the gratuitous 80s mix. I gonna dance...cause I want to.

  3. danecht - My goal is to control the musical tastes of the world so that I never again have to hear anything by Nelly or Justin Timberlake. It's a simple goal, really. And thanks for the Wilco compliment - I wanted to include more Tweedy but couldn't find mp3s with decent quality using Seeqpod's search.

    Lakes - the Mountain Goats are a lo-fi masterwork. I especially love "Pale Green Things" and "Love, Love, Love". Glad you enjoy.

    G - You are my inspiration. What can I say?
