August 2, 2007

A hearty congratulations causes conflicting loyalties

So for whom do I root this week?

Do I root for the West Siders, the Hamilton Little League All Star team that won the Ohio state title this past week and is duking it out in Indianapolis (Great Lakes region) for the right to head to the Little League World Series in two weeks?

Or do I root for the hometown nine since the New Albany All-Stars are also in Indy trying to make their way to Williamsport?
  • I was born and raised in N'Albany.
  • Hamilton is practically like N'Albany West.
  • I don't know anybody on either team (at least not that I'm aware of.)
  • I do know one of the coaches of the NA team (Steve Stemle.)
  • I know a future Hamilton All-Star (currently on the 10-and-under team.)
So, what am I supposed to do?

Who am I supposed to be rooting for?

Maybe I should just hope that everybody gets a snow cone after the game - no matter who wins...


  1. Um...that's not my kid...

    and, the 10 and unders are now in the losers bracket...three games to win if they're going to be able to claim the state title...and they'll have to beat the team that beat them tonight twice...once on Saturday and again on Sunday...

  2. For some reason I thought that linking to a picture of a ten-year-old kid with his full first and last name would be irresponsible. I'll leave that up to his mom to do (go to Google, type in the kid's first and last name in quotes, and wait to see how long it takes your friendly neighborhood stalker to get his picture.) Sheesh...

    And sorry 'bout the wee team going down to defeat. I did hear about that on WMOH this morning.

    And as for Lakes - I'm still torn. It's not that simple.

  3. I didn't mean to infer that I wanted my 10 year old's pic online with his name and all, just wanted to make sure everyone knew that old man you linked to was not my kid...

    and you did kinda throw his actual name out there with that link, you know...

  4. Feel free to check the standings so far.

    Indiana and Ohio are both 2-0, the only two undefeated teams. Indiana's outscored oponents 24-2. Ohio's up 27-8.

    They're both beasts, apparently.

  5. Apparently WSLL is the better beast, at least tonight they were. Hamilton, representing Ohio, won 2-0 over New Albany, representing the Hoosiers. It was an amazing pitching duel - both boys were pretty amazing.

    Lots of talent and lots of fun at the games in Indy, btw...maybe I'll start my own blog and tell everyone how much fun they off to find my kid being talked about on Yappi...
