August 5, 2007

Hot stuff at the Jungle

Similar to yesterday's posting, I've got another last-day warning for you today. Jungle Jim's Weekend of Fire started yesterday and ends today as you could get a chance to try loads and loads and loads of hot sauces and hot foods for a pretty cheap ($4 per person) entry price.

If you need to know the kinds of stuff you might be getting yourself into, feel free to check the Journal-News's story on the festival, and the video of their reporter trying the hot sauces. Good stuff...


  1. I remember back in the day there used to always be a table with baskets of chips and various hot sauces to try. That was in the old days, before he sold out and it became the travesty it is today.

  2. Yeah, Jungle has clearly sold out at this point. He's just in it for the money.

    The hack...
