October 22, 2007

Two more time wasters

Today you've got two possible time wasters to cheer things up in case you're feeling a little down.

Game #1 is a brutal attack on the people of old Rome by way of Caligula. It's got loads of blood - though all in a pretty cartoonish fashion - as you wander the hillsides of Rome trying to master all twenty-six weapons before making it to the next level. Enjoy.

The second game is a little more cebral in nature, requiring you to determine the order in which various stpes must be taken to change a plain white ball into a decorated ball of the type presented to you. Each step's simple, but the challenge of getting them together in the right order is kind of fun. Have a ball, folks...

Thanks to Rob and Sonny Limbo for showing me where these were.


  1. The first one is some nice gratuitous violence...the second one is a nice balance to the unthinking brutality of the first one. I did get through all the levels of the ball game, which was really fun. Nothing like a half hour wasted :)

  2. Glad I could help, Dan...I like the violence in the first one...kinda enjoyed it...I especially liked smacking people with the burning torch 'cause then they'd wander around, light a few others on fire, and then die...good times...

  3. I completely agree...the burning torch was awesome. I didn't like the axe so much...or the 'y' weapon...they took too long to use. Flaming people was satisfying. Also, rampaging was awesome, especially with the basic dagger. Yay violence!
