October 3, 2007

What's the point?

So the new Blue Ocean Facilities in Blue Ash has finally opened.

And just in time for my next group meeting that I can't hold at my small business because we're actually trying to get something done and use the space to work.

Thank heaven that someone has designed a place entirely devoid of any real work but set up so that I can torture my employees by promising a field trip but sneaking in a really productive meeting!

I'm totally suggesting this place to The Boss next time he needs us to come up with a plan for what to do on our all-day in-services (like this coming Monday).


  1. which boss? the one im thinking of probably woudn't be too hard to convice.... the Major (or is it General?) on the other hand....

  2. The Boss - with a new nickname that I'm gonna stick with - is the guy in charge of our building. He is Major Mustache. It's something that somebody noticed a few years ago - that it took facial hair to become a leader in our district. Hence, we had to put together a series of Mustache nicknames for the various administrators.
