November 29, 2007

Early presidential thoughts

Ok, early thoughts on the impending presidential election...not necessarily in any order...
  • By March 4, 2008 - the date of Ohio's primary - things look like they'll be mostly wrapped up...I don't know whether I'm happy or sad about this because I certainly got racked off at the various leapfrog maneuvers of the other states...but I'd kind of like to get the chance to vote for a candidate at a time when he/she has a chance...
  • The more I see of Dennis Kucinich's policies, the more I like him...the more that I read about his open and honest wackiness (rabbit's foot, miniature constitution, UFOs), the less I like him...why can't the person whose policitcs I agree wtih stop being a kook?
  • for election info, Smart Voter (from the League of Women Voters folks) is the best site to get quick, fair summaries of every candidate
  • Hell, I voted for Nader in 2000, I may just vote for Kucinich
  • There are a number of online quizzes to tell you which candidate you most agree with...I like this one pretty well
  • In 1988 a Bush started running the country...he only lasted four years, but since then we've had eight years of Clinton, then back to eight of Bush (a differnet one, of course)...if we went from Bush to Clinton to Bush and back to Clinton, then we just might get twenty-six years of two families being on the throne...imagine if we went to Hillary and then followed her with Jeb...thirty years of trading power back and's like we have two ruling families who are amazingly similar to the Capulets and the Montegues
  • It's surprisngly hard to find the date of the primary election on the Ohio Sec of State's website
  • The unofficial primary season has alsted way too long, and lots of people have spent way too much money in trying to survive to the primaries themselves. I'm pretty close to election fatigue, and we've got four months until the Ohio primary.
  • Chuck Norris's endorsement shouldn't be influencing anybody's choice for president.
  • You would think that with all the debates we've already had, that I would know something about the candidates, but I wonder if the long season hasn't kept them with their cards even closer to the vest than they would play if things were shortened up.
  • At the current rate of campaign creep, it looks like we'll be starting the 2012 primary season sometime about a week after next November's elections.


  1. Hooray for third party candidates splitting the vote!

  2. If the third party candidate splits the Republican vote - takes the religious right off from the Republican votes...then I'm good with them...

    You aren't alone, Mr. Lakes...we all hate war...some people just think we should do it anyway...

    wv: uvkojky
