November 5, 2007

How should I do it, then?

Things are changing faster than I could ever have imagined.

And yet I teach in about the same way that I taught ten years ago and in a way that wouldn't be entirely foreign to how my dad started teaching forty-three years ago.

To see the video in a larger format (some of the messages are hard to read otherwise), click here.

This is another video from Mike Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and director of some pretty phenomenal and thought-provoking videos over on YouTube - some of which you've probably seen before (in particluar, The Machine is Us.

Thanks, as is quite often the case, to Transbuddha for this one.


  1. while watching this im studying for calculus, final editing an english paper (harding would cry), watching football, catching up with my sister, texting (Duh), and taking an online pre-lab quiz

    multi-tasking comment duly (sp?) noted.

    and to top it off, while posting this i was interrupted by a fire alarm. third one today.

    cant say i would want it any other way though

  2. i can't say enough loud enough about this...I'll have to blog it soon. But I will just say that this work he (they/we) is/are doing is so good and so exciting. And important.

    word verification- ymvxzbdh
    do something with this joey and make it funny
