November 25, 2007

I'm on YouTube

If you're name's something common like Bob or Billy or John or Becky or something, then you're probably kind of used to people saying your name around. Me, as a Lonnie, I'm a little less used to it. So in perusing YouTube last week for the Scrubs-fest, I was surprised to find that they had a character named Lonnie on the show. Kinda cool, eh?

So, this week I present a tour of YouTube's various Lonnies...

Lonnie Donegan

Lonnie Frisbee - hippee preacher

My aforementioned Scrubs namesake

The Lonnie Plaxico Group

Lou Donaldson & Lonnie Smith

Lonnie Johnson

Lonnie & Jacqueline

Lonnie Wright

Dr. Lonnie Smith

Lonnie Mack

Pride goeth before my fall


  1. you're funny...

    ...and I was hoping to get to see some X-treme Chemistry demos on youtube this morning.


  2. No luck there...another time, perhaps...

    wonder if it might work to do a YouTube post of our students...shouldn't be too hard to muster...
