November 9, 2007

Sit back and watch today's PowerPoint

From Really Bad PowerPoint (and how to avoid it)
PowerPoint could be the most powerful tool on your computer. But it’s not.

It’s actually a dismal failure. Almost every PowerPoint presentation sucks rotten
eggs. And much of the fault lies with Microsoft.
If you didn't click on that last link - on the ebook above - go back and click on it. It's like five or six pages worth of reading, and it's impressively succinct.

Nearly every PowerPoint presentation you've seen sucks.

Just about all of them suck.

And there is some research that suggests presenting information visually and verbally at the same time overloads listeners so that they're actually less likely to learn anything.

There are ways to fix PowerPoint presentations, and most advice centers around the idea of using more pictures - good, professional pictures - and less text. Some advice suggests that a slide should have no more than six words - no bullets, no subpoints, no nothing. Tell the story verbally, and don't read any part of the slide show. Make sure that your presentation needs you to present it. Otherwise, there's no reason for you to be there; you can just send it out as an attachment.

Even the people who say that the death of PowerPoint is overreported agree that there's a fair bit of work to be done to make PowerPoint good, so I'm challenging you with this question...

What's the last PowerPoint presentation you saw that you would say was a good presentation, one that really informed you or convinced you to think differently?


  1. It's true...every powerpoint I've ever seen sucks. It's sad.


    Is there a point to showing the WV?

  2. The point of leaving the WV is so that we can get ideas for the next word verification dictionary entry...check it...

    Word Verification Dictionary...

