January 19, 2008

Two in the news

Two stories on this morning's Enquirer website caught my eye:

First, there's the awesome story about the Cincy Zoo's new Poo Power initiative in which the zoo is currently doing a feasibility study to see if they could use the estimated 800 pounds of elephant, ahem, output to heat, cool, and light the elephant and giraffe houses.

It's apparently the newest initiative in the zoo's Go Green program - of which I was not at all aware. The zoo has decreased their water usage by 30% over the last two years. They've converted their vehicles to blended biodeisel and swapped out all of their lights for compact fluorescent and their fluorescents for more efficient fluorescents. And their new buildings are all environmentally friendly - the zoo's new education center earning LEED certification as the only Silver building in all of Cincinnati.

And they're gonna swap out all of the Festival of Lights bulbs for LED.

And yet again we get evidence that our zoo absofrickin' rocks.

Secondis a quick update on the situation I mentioned a couple of days ago. Apparently the Freedom Center caved and donated the land back to the Banks project.


Sure, I understand that a museum like this only exists with the blessing of the public and that them asking for a million dollars got them a bunch of bad press, so it might be a good move so they can look magnanimous and all, but they were well within their rights to ask for some cash in the deal.

I'm disappointed in them and in the Banks folks for showing such horror in the press.


  1. I'm pretty sure you meant to call the good people at the Freedom Center "Pansies"...though, might I also suggest: Nancy boys

  2. Thanks for catching the typo...Nancy Boys would also have worked...

    wv: wyayp
