February 22, 2008

Quick ones...

In other quick hits...


  1. so wait DID you see There Will Be Blood?
    Before I read the review I wanna go on record saying it was a good FILM but the way they told the story was a bit forced for me.

    For as long as it was i just expected to buy more into it...

    dang as i write this i'm realizing i could go on and on...

    bottom lines if it wins best picture i'll be a tad annoyed

  2. We did go see There Will be Blood yesterday afternoon (happy snow day, folks).

    The pacing was lugubrious - which worked for the most part - but the development of the Eli-Planview fued seemed a bit sketchy, as though it were hinted at but not actually focused on...hell, we went like an hour without seeing Eli at all...

    and the ending was a total anticlimax...

    it had the elements of a great film but they never came together for me...

    that being said, Daniel Day Lewis is an amazing actor...amazing...

    No Country was better...I certainly liked Juno better, but I wouldn't swear that it was greater...

    haven't seen Michael Clayton or Atonement yet, and I honestly have no desire to see the latter...

  3. Blood isn't winning Best Picture. this is the year of the Coens, which makes me very very happy as much as i loved Blood. Day-Lewis is probably winning though.haven't seen Clayton but of the 4 i've seen, i'd go: Blood, No Country, Atonement,Juno

    i just loved the sprawl of Blood-- the desolate landscapes puncuated with Jonny Greenwood's music. i'll watch anything if its pretty.

    to me the feud between Daniel and Eli didn't have to be epic, they both kept a silent rage towards each other but each man only let it out in full force once: for Eli the scene when he makes Daniel declare his sins, and Daniel of course at the end.

    i can see the issues with the end, but i heard a lot of people say similar things about No Country.

    at the very least, Blood, like No Country, feels like a 70s American film, which very few other movies can say today.

  4. Clayton is fantastic and I have seen all 5...it's best picture by a smidgen over no country for me with best director going to the coens

    DDL may very well win best actor BUT I think the guy who wrote the review was SPOT ON in DDL's shortcomings (and the movie over all) for sure...

    I think No Country was 1000% better than Blood...as for ending I read the book so...

    Films that TRY shouldn't win...great idea, above average storytelling. It was pretty and the music was good...still not enough

  5. Oh and Casey Affleck deserves the best supporting actor...seen 4 of the 5 and creepy token killer boy is a tough 3rd barely eeking out Tom Wilkerson...PSH was fantastic too. strongest category this year.
