February 10, 2008

These are my people

I had this one already done, so I'll go ahead and throw it out into the electronic ether...

I checked out YouTube to see what Princeton stuff I could find out there, and here's what I've found...

We've got a bond issue coming up to build a new high school and middle school...

This past fall we had an incident where rumors spread very quickly...thanfully, nothing at all happened...

The same television station was out at the school to film a piece about the school...

I recognize this kid from the hallways but don't know him otherwise...

Here you can see our mute football team playing a big game...

Apparently that football team used to be some kind of a big deal...Thansk to Joey for hunting this one down...

This year's football team was pretty good - plus there was the Viking Rap...

Like most schools, we've got some choirs, too...

This year's senior class is a little goofy...let me also recommend the Food Drive Trailer from the same director...

Our Princeton Entertainment Group puts on some impressive shows...

Hey, I was in charge of this show...and you can see more clips from these guys here...

If anybody knows of any other YouTube videos about good ol' PHS, I'd love to highlight them another week. Drop a link in the comments...


  1. holy crap someone recorded that maynard show?! 12,000+ views? i was standing there watching that show right off stage

    i feel pretty cool now.

  2. that bond issue video has some hilarious lowlights!

    BUT MONROE, BATES, HECKMAN and LD rocked the house!!!!

  3. Yeah, somebody recorded the Maynard show...I'm amazed at what matters to people and finds its way to YouTube...but I'm thrilled that it did...

    And thanks for the kind words, Lakes...I'm hoping and praying that the bond issue passes, but I'm not holding my breath...
