March 12, 2008

Check, check, check it out...

Goly help me...Calen sent me a link to the work of a former student of ours - now posted on YouTube - that I'm about to include here...

The goly help me comes about because of the fact that I taught this young woman about six years ago, and how she's showing what God gave here in a video with some trashy Disney pop lothario...but here goes nothing...

...the video isn't anything bad enough that MTv is going to ban it, and that beat of the song is catchy enough, but the sight of seeing a former student in such a situation is very odd...I knew she'd gone into modeling (she was doing that while she was at good ol' PHS) and some acting (hold on a moment for more on that), but...well...this is just icky...sorry to be so vague... is the experience of seeing the same young woman in the film Acts of Death (also known as The Final Curtain)...and which you can see in full streaming video right here...before you check out the film, however, be warned that she meets her end during the final reel (apparently splatter killed with some sort of caustic substance that her chemistry teacher - that'd be me - can't seem to understand just what it would be)...and to give further warning, here's a synopsis of the film's lengthiest review online...
ACTS OF DEATH is an above average low-budget slasher flick whose only flaw is it's slow pacing and to another extent, it's weak ending. The DVD itself features nothing in terms of special features , so I wouldn't recommend buying it... but if it's a slow night at the rental store and you're looking for something halfway entertaining (and you've seen just about everything else) then pick this badboy up... it won't blow your mind, but the kills are cool and well worth it.
After having watching most of the film myself (skipping around through some of the slower parts), I think the reviewer was being kind.

All that being said - and no matter the ickiness of seeing Niki in the Jesse McCartney video - it's awesome that she's apparently doing what she's wanted to do for years, that she's in the career field that she wanted to be in, and that she's apparently doing well enough for herself that she can send word of her career accomplishments homeward.

Congrats, Niki...


  1. Ha the title of the post original, or does it, as I think it does, reflect a certain PBS show? Or am I just fooling myself?

  2. Actually, more of a reference to a Beastie Boys song...and which PBS show would you be suggesting?

  3. Zoom, of course, the most awesome show ever, aside from the Kratt Brothers, of course.

  4. completely off topic but i was doing a little criticker-ing lately and, really? another 100/100 movie?

    the usual suspects was immediately added to the top of my netflix queue. not that we have identical movie tastes or anything, but this one looked pretty good and i didnt mind hero at all, so im definitely checking it out

  5. I understand what you mean... It's because they're our "babies" and it's more than a little disconcerting to see them as anything but... It also creeps us out. Just as much as they wouldn't want to see us strutting about in a similar fashion either! But anyway, congrats to her and I wish her more successes (and clothing) :)

  6. I gotta say that i don't feel the ick factor. I didn't teach her but we had a few conversations.

    She's alright...

    If looking bored and detached is what sells these days then she'll be a big deal.

  7. Joey - Hero is amazing, brilliant. I'll put it up against anything I've ever seen and say it's the greatest movie I've ever seen. Visually stunning...wonderful love story...big issues brought up in the course of the film. Marvelous. Can't recommend it highly enough. I've got the DVD if you wanna borrow via Casper.

    TL - I know that Niki's not the Niki I knew (heck, she wasn't the Niki I knew back then - I remember a specific suspension for "activities" on a school trip). It's awesome that she's doing what she wanted to do.

    Lakes - that's apparently axactly what sells, and she's got all that and more in the video
