March 7, 2008

I know what I want

I am totally going to send away for my fontified handwriting.

I've always wanted to be able to type in my handwriting - actually in my printing because my handwriting it just shy of chicken scratching.

At nine bucks for the font, I'm tempted to buy a few and type up all of my worksheets in the new fonts. Students and former students, what would you think / have thought about that?


  1. I think that's awesome.
    I hate my handwriting but I would love to get my old basketball coach's font!
    DO IT!

  2. ah the joys of a tablet pc... im sure if i really wanted to i could do this for free


  3. I forget your what your handwriting looked like. But get Beischel's. His is phenomenal.

  4. I would pay for the following people's handwriting as fonts: Beischel - Craig and I have discussed on many occasions - Robinson, Viall and someone from Europe...I dig their handwriting...maybe if my french pen pal from junior high is reading this he'll send me his...Phillipe? are you out there??

    Oh, and Joey, don't give us your's the same as your mom's.

  5. omg. Beishel's handwriting alone has gotten kids into college before. The possibilities of what could happen if that were in an electronic form is staggering.

    And yes I realize this calen, I write like a chick.

  6. I am totally down with my may not be legendary, but I dig it...and Robinson's is phenomenal...don't remember Beischel's though...

  7. Spraul's handwriting, anybody??? It is like an art form.

  8. Spraul's handwriting...classic!!! But you need a microscope to read it...

  9. Big Spraul's handwriting was tiny and neat - much better than the younger's (who I happen to have right now)...

    of course, I think all the readers will agree that the youngest is clearly the weakest in pretty much every family...

    right, Craig...Joey?
