April 10, 2008

I think this might work...maybe

Sheriff Jones has done a number of things that seem pretty radical and have gotten him some negative press, but his newest idea looks frighteningly reasonable.

He's aiming to take the county dog warden under his office's purview and institute a number of new programs. The one that caught my eye was this one:
One such program that could start within a month would involve bringing animals into the jail for the inmates to care for, which Jones said is done in other states.

"They groom the dog, they work with the dog and they get the dog used to people," Jones said. "And then the dog goes back to the humane society for adoption."

"It has the potential to be a really good thing," said Dog Warden Julie Holmes
I can see that this could give some great benefit to both the prisoners and the animals. Most animals in the various sheltes I've known certainly could use a little love and companionship, even if that meant a little time behind bars.


  1. I'm going to avoid making the female dog in prison joke, but it is foremost on my mind at this point...

    but I kinda dig Jones...he makes the inmates in Butler County wear the old chain gang stripes and then they go out and clean the Butler County Highway...wearing the stripes and in chains! Sometimes, I get to see them on my way home. They even wear the striped hats.

  2. I saw a documentary about this on TV once... I guess as long as they don't give a pooch to Mr. Psycho McMurder who killed puppies as a child, it would have some benefits.

  3. He's certainly willing to try all sorts of different things, and I do kind of dig seeing the chain gangs out on the highway from time to time. At least the prisoners get out into the fresh air.
