April 13, 2008

More Sammy...

...Sammy admits to using some harder stuff...

...speaking about James Dean...

..."The Candy Man"...

...not embeddable - One Cool Cat...

...channeling Michael jackson...

...tap dancing at a very young age...I especially am impressed by the Tip, Tap, & Toe clip of a different dancer...

...singing Shell...

...doing impressions on Frank's show...

...pushing for the Great American Smoke Out...

...with Ella Fitzgerald...

...some background on the man...

...appearing briefly in Gotham City...

...covering "Henry the VIIIth I Am"...

...in Cannonball Run (skip to 55 seconds in)...

...and finally, "E-O-Eleven"...


  1. Thanks for the outtakes from Cannonball Run...not really Sammy per se...but definitely one of my fondest memories of the man...

    btw...your word verification robot hates me...the words are like 19 characters long...it's ludicrous.

  2. wow! great stuff!
    LOVED his thought on JD

  3. I had no idea he knew James Dean, never thought they'd have run in the same circles. He seemed so much older, even though I know he wouldn't have been. Dean's early death has trapped him as an adolescent in my mind.

    I've got the word verification settings jacked up to "harder for girls", so that may have something to do with it, Calen.

    And I had other Sammy options from Cannonball, but both focused more on Deano and had inappropriate language. (Unlike the Teachers clip from a couple of days ago.
