May 30, 2008

The cheese factor is set on high, sir

Aw, man...enjoy the awesomeness of Italian Spider-man on

Or, at least, enjoy the awesomeness once their back online after they get the little bandwidth exceeded problem all sussed out.

It's as if you throw Ron Jeremy and James Bond into a blender with a shot of 70's and Land of the Lost then labeled it Spider-Man.

There can be no more awesome thing on the interwebs at the moment.

Trust me on this one.

I man...awesome...give it a day to come back online or check it as it's posted on YouTube, but then you'll miss their other new series.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of a high dairy-related factor, you should check out the Indian Superman and/or Indian Spiderman on Youtube... Some classic Bollywood movies have more cheese than a Cheese rolling contest in Wales (they're real, look it up) but these really take the cheesecake.
    Hm. Now I'm in the mood for some gruyere.
