May 3, 2008

Open your mind, Joshua

The Morning News had an interesting article proving - with scientific data, no less - that the perfect pop song has a length of exactly two minutes and forty-two seconds, no more, no less.

I think Mr. Joshua Allen is being a little restrictive - and slightly - even though he presents a full mixtape to defend his research, so today I present to you a playlist of songs from my iTunes library that are between 2:40 and 2:44 in length.

SeeqPod - Playable Search


  1. I've decided that every single track on In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel is absolutely the perfect length, from Fool (1:53) to Oh Comely (8:18). I can listen to the album from start to finish and never get impatient for the next song to start or feel that one didn't last long enough. Each one ends exactly when it should. This is a rare thing.

  2. Haven't tried that one all the way through...I've given a few songs listens, but I'll give it all a chance on your recommendation...
