May 5, 2008

To put the new you in US

Dad was/is a history and government teacher, and I remember taking AP Government when I was in high school (got a 4 on the test, thanks for asking), and I'm thinking there are still questions on the US Naturalization test (soon to be changed to this) that I would miss - or at least that I'd have to make a less-than-blind guess on.

In honor of a soon-to-be-tested in our midsts, let's each see how we do, eh...

On this multiple-choice quiz mixing new and old questions, I managed a 10 out of 11 (wrong # of ammendments to the constitution, dangit.)

On the apparently real questions found here, I managed 91 out of 100 - actually worse than I had hoped for. I missed
  • #22 - I missed it on the multiple choice, so I assumed I would've missed it here, too.
  • #31 - it's pittiful, but I can't name my Senators.
  • #33 - I thought we were in the 300's but was apparently wrong.
  • #44 - I got stumped trying to remember Rhode Island, pathetic little Rhode Island which is actually smaller as an entire state than is my backyard. Who knew?
  • #50 - No clue who's in charge of West Chester. I'm guessing it's our council, but I won't swear to it.
  • #72 - Okay, I'm hoping I would know this if I'd studied, but I have no clue what the form # is to apply for citizenship.
  • #78 - I said republic, which we technically are, and I'd argue that we're a representative democracy, but I can accept democracy.
  • #86 - I didn't answer one of the ones listed and in fact came up with freedom as my answer.
  • #87 - I said freedom of speech, and that one seems pretty arbitrary. I might consider habaes corpus - which #14 apparently hates.
I'm thinking I should pick up the official study guide.

TL, how'd you do?

PS - This is my first attempt at pre-posting. I'm writing this on April 2nd at about 9pm and am about to hit publish, which will supposedly hold the thing from appearing on my blog until May 5th at 7:23am - when I want to have it posted. Here goes nothing.


  1. 12 for 12

    #72 #78

    I really impressed myself...
    Gosh I should be a legal alien!

  2. 7/11...

    I think the feds might start getting suspicious.

  3. My test is on Thursday (so I'm taking a personal day) and I'm so excited! So far, I'm getting 100% when I test myself using the study guide I printed off the net. I just hope I don't get nervous on the day and mix up my senators, governors, and U.S. representatives! I'm looking forward to the bit where they test my knowledge of written and spoken English. I'm hoping for an opportunity to give a... Unique... Response. Nothing to cause alarm, just to amuse myself. I'll let you know on Friday how it went.
    Would wearing red, white, and blue make me look like too much of a suck up? ;) Maybe I should wear one of my favorite Threadless ones:

  4. Lakes, you're the best American expat I know...

    Mr Echt, you clearly should be deported...

    Dan, can you teach your brother a little something, please?

    And a major, hearty congrads to TL who is now an American just like the rest of us - complete with the right to overeat and ignore any pending election.

    Welcome, friend...
