July 4, 2008

Let's see what's rising up underneath

It's all about the yeast today, folks, as I'm heading down to the library to check out Artisan Bread in Five Minutes which purports to provide a basic recipe that will let you make a wet dough and store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, pinching off a bit at a time to bake up a roll, a small loaf, a little fresh baked bread at any time.

Sounds prefect for my toaster oven and for breakfast if you ask me. Now I just have to see if it works for me.

And the second item is that The Hometown is getting things together as the New Albanian Brewing Ccompany is opening a second branch in the downtown. We're a few months from completion, but I'm gonna have to check it out when I back for Harvest Homecoming.

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