July 1, 2008

Slight blog change

Added another new feature to the blog today with the opportunity for you folks to rate each post on a five-star system. The feature appears to then take an average of your ratings and publish that as well. As far as I can tell, it has retroactively appeared for all posts, so if you're so inclined, you can go back through any of the old posts and rate them, as well.I can but will not be rating the posts myself.

I tend to vote whenever I put up a poll, but to rate the posts myself would seem a bit stupid. Hopefully this'll give me a chance to see what kinds of stuff you folks like reading. No clue whether I'll actually take that into account when posting in the future, but who knows?

Thanks, by the way, to blogscoped for pointing this new feature out.

And to make this a slightly worthwhile post with at least a modicum of content, feel free to check out the excellent concert stream of Richard Thompson - with nice versions of "Dad's Gonna Kill Me", "Hots for the Smarts", and a number of his other tunes and hi between-song banner which I find hilarious - over at MyRadio.com.

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