September 1, 2008

A brief Querrey for you

And this is how I spend my Labor Day weekend - at least Sunday and Monday - getting a few things accomplished on the computer while watching tennis.

And I've come to realize that my hope for the US Open is a Feder victory over Nadal in the final.

And my fear is simply a Federer-Nadal final, because I'm not thinking that would lead to the thing I'm hoping for.

But at the moment it looks like we may not even get a Nadal-anybody quarterfinal with the way Sam Querrey is playing at the moment.


  1. You also spent a couple of hours at school and I know this because you're as much of a loser as I am...

    of course, I was being the dept chair fairy and you were actually getting things accomplished for school, so I'm probably the bigger loser...

  2. Oh, that's not a competition you even want to start...

    And in retrospect, I was clearly excited much too early. About an hour after I typed this post, Rafa slammed the door on poor Sam Querrey. Hopefully we'll get to see more of the newcomer in the coming years, 'cause he's got an amazing serve.

  3. How bout' you show Andy Roddick some love? I still believe that he can again reach his number one ranking like four, five years ago when he beat Federer in a Grandslam final. Roddick can still post that 155 mph serve.

  4. Roddick?


    He's talented and he's got a single weapon that's nearly perfect, but he's never shown the winner's instinct.

    I'd put his over-under on future grad slam victories by Roddick at one, and I'll put my money on the under.

  5. I tend to agree on the chance of Rog pulling it out over Nadal. Actually I am starting to like this Andy Murray. Saw his match last night and greatly enjoyed it. Of course the Dad spent the whole match pointing out the basic errors he was making.

  6. Murray was playing brilliantly yesterday. It was a joy to watch.
