October 6, 2008


I kind of agree with the first commenter on this article about the suspicious package that John Boehner's office received today. The Enquirer's reportage continues to sink lower and lower as they have fewer trained reporters and hand over more and more of the work to untrained rubes.

I have no idea whether The Enquirer was ever a quality paper, but it certainly is not that now.

But it's still funny that somebody shipped Boehner bacon.

And his name's funny, too. It rhymes with moaner and cloner and it's spelled all funny.


  1. How does an x-ray identify something as bacon?

  2. You do know that his name is not pronounced the way you're inferring it's pronounced, right?

    I know his name isn't funny if pronounced correctly, but I'm just checking.

  3. Oh, we have some fancy x-rays in SW Ohio, man...they can identify all sorts of tasty flesh...

    Calen, his name is totally pronounced that way in my head...and it makes it way funnier to write that somebody shipped "Boehner bacon"...
