January 12, 2009

I can't make it, sadly

If anybody's in The City (somehow, NYC earns the capital letters) the Thursday and Friday before Valentine's Day, might I recommend checking out The Strawberry One Act Festival's Series A one-acts?

In particular I would suggest making sure to see Fan-Boys. Here's what I know about the play - in case you needed some convincing:
  • It's about comic book fan-boys.
  • The author interviewed me as she was writing the play. So I have the smallest bit of pride in seeing the thing finally performed.
  • I taught the author everything that she knows...about chemistry.
  • The author suffered the worst injury ever in any of my chemistry classes with a really nasty burn from grabbing a very hot ring stand, so she deserves your sympathy.
Sadly I will not be able to make it as I'll be in Cincy the first night and Gatlinburg the second.


  1. And that picture BARELY looks like the actual author of the play!!!

    Maybe we should take a personal day on Thursday and fly up and see it and then jet back to Cincy on Friday in time for school. We'll be exhausted, but we can recoup in G-burg!

    I can check with Bridget on standby flights...

  2. I don't think we'll be making The City for the one-act. She did promise to send me the script, though, so I can at least give it a ready-through.

    And I am amazed at what a clearly outstanding photographer can do.
