April 30, 2009

Yet again, straight to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

Anybody know where I can get a copy of this movie without dropping the $13.49 on amazon...or even for the $5 (including shipping) via ebay?

I think I need to put together a list of the best midget-based movies. Here's what I've got off the top of my head...
  • The Terror of Tiny Town
  • Time Bandits
  • Under the Rainbow
  • TipToes
  • Station Agent
  • Willow
  • Snow White & the Seven Dwarves
  • Freaks
  • For Y'ur Height Only


  1. I do not appreciate this post.

    But that movie Tiptoes isn't really worth watching - that scene kinda gets the point across.

    WV: guessing- Really, that obvious?

  2. How far are you be from qualifying for this list, Katydid?

    Ans, seriously, the word verification was guessing?
