May 5, 2009

Connections in the blogosphere

It's interesting how many folks I know via PHS who blog with whatever level of frequency they happen to be managing. Some of these are blogs that I check in with regularly. Some are ones that I comment on. Some are ones that I follow via RSS. I can safely say that I know every one of these folks...There's one other that I'm not going to point out at the author's request, but that author should know that I check that blog absolutely regularly. Holla, holla right at you and Athena.


  1. Quarter Note Life drove me to school senior year everyday, and we share the first letter of our names.

    Without You Today's emotions is actually back in the 'Nati for good.

    And I also enjoy that last blogger a bit, although I don't really know her.

  2. Quarter Note Life is also one of a pair...

  3. If you want to continue the PHS/Athens connection, remember I am an OU grad. Go Bobcats!

    Thanks for the shout-out!
