May 26, 2009

The semi-annual plea

Her feet are a mess, a true wreck.

She can't walk barefoot around the house because of the plantar fascitis, and after every run she has to roll her feet back and forth across frozen water bottles to help decrease the swelling.

But she's running another marathon, folks.

And she's doing it for charity.

In September, The Girl will set off on Wright-Patterson Air Force base for the US Air Force Marathon and a 26.2 mile saunter through what looks the be some of the least thrilling marathon terrain around - including 3/4 of a mile on one of their runways.

Looks like I won't be driving around to see her at a half dozen locations on this course like I did when she ran The Pig a few years back.

She has asked that I make the offer to you folks to make a donation to her fund raising efforts via her online fundraising page - though I do warn you that if you click over there, you'll actually get to know her as something other than The Girl.

Of course, her name has been mentioned once or twice (my mistakes) on this blog and there was that one time I posted a bunch of pictures of her.

She's none the wiser, though, eh?

Oh, and if you want to make her a pledge, her personal best time for a full marathon is 5:04. Anybody wanna offer up some money if she breaks the 5:00 barrier?

Oh, and just so you know that we're doing our part in the fundraising, we spent Saturday night at Taste of Cincinnati selling Barefoot Wine for five and a half hours, earning about $300 between simply hourly wages and tips at the booth. Weirdly, I managed to see one current student, one former student (with family), two coworkers, and two identical twins of coworkers - neither of whom I knew had identical twins. And The Girl is crafty - she's just my type - and sewing headbands and keychains to sell. Plus there are the pleas being sent via snail mail (which some of you will probably be getting, too).

Consider yourself warned, folks.

Though you could head that off by making the donation in advance.